We are located at Perry Hotel and Marina, 7005 Shrimp Road, Key West, FL 33040

Latitude: 24.565000 Longitude: 81.73888

Local Nautical Maps and Navigation Chart

from 200 block of Duval St., Key West:  Turn left onto Truman Ave, road changes name to N Roosevelt. Turn left at traffic light in 3.4 miles towards US-1N. Travel for 0.6 mi. Turn right onto Cross St. Travel for 0.2 mi. Turn left onto 5th Ave. Travel for 0.3 mi. Turn right onto Shrimp Rd. Travel for 0.3 mi.  Turn left into the parking lot.

from Key Largo:   Follow US-1 S for 94.3 mi, Turn left onto 5th St, travel for 0.3 mi, Turn left onto 5th Ave. Travel for 0.1 mi. Turn right onto Shrimp Rd. Travel for 0.3 mi. TTurn left into the parking lot.


FOR DRIVING GUESTS:  Take the 1st LEFT turn just after the Hotel.  Park in the lot to the immediate RIGHT.  Take only the belongings you will want to use on the yacht, lock your vehicle and follow specific instruction sent in your calendar event to locate your yacht and crew. If you have much to carry, you can use a dock cart.   

Parking is free with our PARKING PASS at the marina for all our guest's passenger vehicles (no boat/trailers or RV's). In addition, the newly built Perry Hotel is open and welcomes you and your friends (as our guests) to the pool and the 2 restaurants on premise, The Salty Oyster Dockside Bar & Grill and Matt’s Stock Island Kitchen & Bar.


"Fee-free" shuttle van transportation is available from Perry Hotel Key West  to the downtown waterfront.   It leaves from just outside the hotel’s front lobby every hour on the hour beginning at 9:00 AM.  It drops off and picks up on the half hour up until 8:30 PM.  This is a courtesy van that is available to you as our guest.  We do suggest you provide a tip to the driver.  Should you have any specific question relating to the Shuttle Service, please call the Perry Key West Hotel directly at (305)296-1717.